Tech entrepreneur Donald Kerry Frey’s founding of Nova Tribune ( as a major news outlet was based on his belief that it’s possible to inform people about the current state of the world and to present the news in a way that satisfies all sides of every issue. The passion he felt for information consumption has been the primary motivation for establishing the site. From Donald Kerry Frey’s perspective, it seemed as if every news site approached the news from either one ideological side or another.

What Donald Kerry Frey hoped to provide with the Nova Tribune is a reasonable alternative that informs readers through articles that reflect multiple fields and interests and that makes them see all sides of any argument. Donald Kerry Frey’s significant background as an entrepreneur will surely be the key to his success. He hopes he will have the skill and the ability to make sure that Nova Tribune and its partner site, Frey Robotics, are very successful, providing dependable information sources for a long time.